coolest video

Posted in Uncategorized on December 4, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

assignment #2

Posted in Uncategorized on December 9, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

Writing Assignment #2
Digital art and Digital media are a part of daily life in western society. If you watch television or commute anywhere urban you will be exposed to a myriad of advertisement. Much of these advertisements are produced digitally, as the industry has grown it has become cheaper and more efficient to produce digital work. Today it is faster than ever, thousands of programs have been built for the purpose of serving the digital artist. Brand awareness is a huge factor for a products success. In America advertising is a tremendous base for our popular culture. When shopping the consumer is much more likely to buy a product that they are familiar with as opposed to buying the same product with an unfamiliar brand even when this means spending less money on a brand that they have never seen before. So advertisement is tremendously important to a brands success in the Western world.
If these advertisements can be produced in a more cost efficient or time efficient manner then it would greatly benefit the business, and much of the time the answer is using digital media. Pepsi and Coca Cola have been America’s two leading competitors in the soft drink industry since long before I was even around. My whole life I grew up being exposed to both on an almost daily basis. The competition has become a form of entertainment. Many Americans will actually make small talk about the recent commercials and it becomes a part of daily life. Every year around Christmas Coca Cola has been doing advertisements with completely digital commercials. They introduced a polar bear and her cub as winter mascots. These bears usually, will at some point through the commercial find a santa claus hat, referencing Christmas and resonating a strong tie in the heart of our culture.

Another central aspect of western culture is team sports, and the advertising that surrounds them is a multi billion dollar industry, much of the industry is digital.
Kids are growing up being exposed to this as the norm and they accept it as part of daily life. Is it wrong? Is it progress? These questions may be impossible to answer but it seems to be getting clearer and clearer that the future is going increasingly digital.
Since the internet came along digital media was able to become instantly portable anywhere in the planet. With this advance came a whole new enterprise for advertising, advertising on the internet. When you are already working from a computer it means working with digital media comes second nature and with the internet your media library is almost limitless. In many ways it is safe to say that digital media is a forefront for much of western cultures development, and that it will remain into the future.

first abject portrait

Posted in Uncategorized on October 30, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

poster tweaked

Posted in Uncategorized on September 29, 2008 by alwaysafresh1
poster tweaked

poster tweaked

Poster project

Posted in Uncategorized on September 29, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

Ass.# 4

Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

An ad is successful when it catches the viewers interest instantly, they need to be simple enough that they can be easily understood, but also creative and fresh.

This ad uses the height and majesty of a horse combined with digitally enhanced machinery to create an impressive and exciting image that engages the imagination of the viewer, the background is a stable and the foreground has the Subaru, this mix combines technology with a beast that has always been respected for its power.

The color scheme is limited and it ads more drama, the car and background are muted as well as the horse, the only bright or intense colors are used on the horses mechanical legs, this contrast is  strong enough that it makes the horses legs teh focal point.

The information is simple and clear, but is still very interesting and it engages the viewers imagination.

The horse is the focal point, but the car takes up more space, also the direction and proximity of the car to the horse gives a strong push pull dynamic drawing the viewers eye back and forth between the two images,  the rafters in the ceiling also lead the viewers eye in to the rest of the piece giving a sense of cathedral like grandeur.


Posted in Uncategorized on September 8, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

Creative Commons License
lilmario by Jeff bartholomew is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Super Mario

Posted in Uncategorized on August 21, 2008 by alwaysafresh1

I thought it would be fun to recreate an iconic hero, and as things developed I began to stray away towards something more comical,  The figure is very animated and i was attempting to convey a sense of motion.  He is holding a strange bird with binary eyes and mouth,  I realized after creating a binary backdrop that faces could easily be created. The process was time consuming, but it was fun to see the progress develop.